Little Tokyo's Hispanic workforce
From Mexico, to Cuba to El Salvador, Little Tokyo is brimming with Hispanics of all nationalities working 9-to-5 jobs in order to support, advance and survive.
The Los Angeles Public Library is a system of 73 libraries. But while there are many branches, there is only one central library. The Central Library is a gathering location for cultures of all kinds.
In the heart of Downtown Los Angeles, Little Tokyo and the Toy District encompass a wide-ranging slice of life. Student journalists from USC Annenberg worked together to unearth the stories of this unique community.
From Mexico, to Cuba to El Salvador, Little Tokyo is brimming with Hispanics of all nationalities working 9-to-5 jobs in order to support, advance and survive.
With no clear end in sight to the institutionalized police brutality crippling poor black communities around the country, sectors of the Black Lives Matter movement have lost patience in their search for protection in what they deem "wartime conditions."
As the education gaps in South Los Angeles continue to keep families in poverty, nonprofits try to prevent students from slipping through the cracks.
Formerly known as a hub for wholesale clothing, the Fashion District is experiencing growth in housing and nightlife that contrasts with the current character of the neighborhood.
Stuck between their home and their parents’ cultural heritage, Chinese-American youth found a sense of identity and place in the Mei Wah.
Fine art and murals sprinkle the entire district of Little Tokyo, giving it that vibrant kick like a dab of wasabi to cement in the neighborhood's unique flavor.
Fast fashion is less a story about corporate innovation than one about an immigrant subculture coming of age. It has created a "democracy of fashion."
How the opening of the mega-powerhouse grocery chain, Whole Foods, has filled a gap - while coexisting with its peers.
A Hollywood screenwriter founded a nonprofit organization to provide kids who have suffered traumas with a way to express their feelings, channel their emotions, and heal.