Meet Rita: Gatekeeper

First thing's first: Rita, while pint-sized, will kick your butt. Rita Fiora has been the door woman at The Viper Room for seven years. She's the first shining face that you see when you enter - after passing by the burly men in security, of course.

She's taken shots with rock idols, seen them strip off clothing, and even gotten to play on the stage that has held the feet of Aerosmith, Tool, Johnny Cash - and so many more. Click on Rita to hear her wild stories.

Meet Brian: Graphics Guru

Brian McCoy likes Subway sandwiches. At least, he liked the one he bought for his lunch break for his first shift ever at The Viper.
But, sometimes old washed up rock stars like Subway too. Click his image to launch the story of his first night at The Viper.

Meet Ashly (and Downstairs Ghost)

Ashly Montgomery isn't just a social media maven. She's a 'Jane of all trades' for The Viper.

But the most out-of-this-world things that Ashly has seen hasn't been on stage. It's been the ghostly activities that are haunting the Viper. She and the staff say that there’s a rumor that 1940s gangster Bugsy Siegel, unhappy with an associate – either a lawyer or accountant – murdered him downstairs at the Viper and buried his remains under the cement. Many on the staff believe that the associate is haunting the Viper to this day. They even call him “Downstairs Ghost.”

History: The Melody Room - Filthy McNasty's - The Central

The Viper Room started off as a watering hole when water – AKA liquor – was illegal. It was called “The Melody Room,” and served as an underbelly for gambling and mob activities. Bugsy Siegel, one of the most feared mobsters of his day, was said to operate out of the venue. He had ties to the Luciano family, and is credited with starting the movement of organized crime in America. Siegel, while a feared criminal, rubbed shoulders with Hollywood stars like Jean Harlow, Cary Grant, and Clark Gable. He was even known to associate with movie execs Louis B. Mayer of MGM and Jack Warner of Warner Brothers. The venue changed its name two more times - Filthy McNasty's and then The Central - before earning its current name from previous owner Johnny Depp: The Viper Room.

Watch Guns N' Roses perform at The Central in 1975

Go inside Johnny's Booth.

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Contact the author, producer, and person who pulled all-nighters for this: Heather Navarro.